Friday, December 27, 2019

Fracking Natural Gas - 1936 Words

Fracking is a modern technique to explore natural gas through a controversial procedure. The controversy about scientific evidence for the impact of fracking has raged unabated for over a decade. It has now become one of the most popular debates between the supporters of Greenpeace or environmentalists and the energy companies. Now it’s a centrepiece of discussion in the context of the energy solution and considered as a really important source of energy by last few decades. Recent developments in the field of natural gas have led to a renewed interest in fracking. Energy seekers support a lot of arguments for their strength at the same on their counterparts. However, this essay will give a brief overview of the history, process, the†¦show more content†¦A clear benefit of fracking in the prevention of CO2 emission could be identified from this analysis. It may help to gain the fulfilment of energy demand and becoming a Global leader of energy market for export natura l gas. It can be seen that fracking bring wealth for local economy such as Northern Ireland has the possibility to become an important net exporter of natural gas by exporting surplus production and also get the tremendous economic gain. Furthermore it seems that Energy Company positively considered about the impact of fracking on the environment as well as health and safety issue. As Tamboran clearly stated that they will not utilise any chemicals in the fracking process in Northern Ireland. Hence, it could conceivably be hypothesised that fracking may consider as a dynamic, clean, most cost effective means to maintain energy supplies for almost every sector of the global economy like industrial, commercial, power generation even in residence. It has been suggested that fracking can be brought energy independence for Poland by 2014 instead of depending on the Russian gas and abilities to get enough fuel to last for 300 hundred years (Donald Tuskd, n.d). Fracking can play a significant role for economic gain of a country. Richard Moorman(2012) remarks their project as an energy and economic game changer for Northern Ireland. For a widespread expansion of fracking, ItShow MoreRelatedIs Fracking A Natural Gas?2865 Words   |  12 Pagesrevolution of natural gas and oil, brining about the dynamic job opportunities and economic growth which affects other industries apart from natural gas and oil field. As a superpower of energy, the United States can make good use of its rich resources with the correct policies and build a bright future for Americans and reduce energy-caused risks globally (Mark Green, 2014). 1.1 Environmental aspect As fracking is a good process of drilling natural gas, there must be questions like, â€Å"Is natural gas alternativeRead MoreFracking for natural gas778 Words   |  3 Pagesenergy consumers with an energy source that is affordable and cost effective ; therefore, the solution is hydraulic fracking, also known as â€Å"fracking,† Natural Gas has the capabilities of fueling American cars and homes for the next hundred years, and the best part is the United States is the largest supplier of natural gas. 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In the past, often left undeveloped and wasted, it was once considered â€Å"unusable† and â€Å"worthless†, compared to oil. In order to try to break our country’s dependence on foreign oil supplies, we have begun to dip into our own natural gas supply. Natural gas is found underground, and is produced when trapped gas is released above ground. Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a process that extracts natural gas fromRead MoreA Brief Note On Fracking And The Natural Gas1419 Words   |  6 PagesKyle Quintana English 121 Candace Craig 4/25/2015 Fracking When it comes to vast amounts of energy sources, natural gas in America is not something most people believe is plentiful. As resources are used up it then becomes time to look for a new supply elsewhere. America has always been dependent on foreign trade, including fuels, which in turn leaves us vulnerable to steep prices. Natural gas is one very important fossil fuel and from its various uses, its numbers have continued to dwindle. SupplyRead MoreFracking : An Unconventional Technique For Harvesting Natural Gas And Oil1301 Words   |  6 PagesFractually Inaccurate Hydraulic fracturing, commonly known and hereby referred to as fracking, has been around for decades- but it seems that it has only recently become a prominent point of contention in our society. Fracking is considered an unconventional technique for harvesting natural gas and oil. Where conventional wells drill straight down and can only collect from more free-flowing deposits, fracking allows for horizontal drilling into shale deposits and uses water pressure to enlarge pre-existingRead MoreFracking And Natural Gas Should Be A Good Thing For The Economy1958 Words   |  8 Pagesfor Rolling Stone magazine once stated, â€Å"Nobody disputes that cheap natural gas would be a good thing for the economy. The question is, is this a sustainable new development that can be counted on for decades to come, or simply a bubble brought on by a land grab and drilling frenzy?† (â€Å"Jeff Goodell Quote†, 2013). Goodell states the undeniable truth about natural gas. This is that the federal government regulating the fracking industry will exponentially increase the United States economy by makingRead MoreResolved that Fracking for Natural Gas from Shale Formations Will Be Banned in the US1895 Words   |  8 PagesEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fracking, or Hydraulic Fracturing is a method used to extract underground resources including oil, natural gas, and geothermal energy by injecting high pressure fluid into a geologic formation containing oil or natural gas deposits. The high pressure fluid opens up existing fractures and creates new fracture systems that allow the resources that were once trapped to move more freely into a production well for further extraction. Shale gas is defined by the U.S. Energy

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Evaluate the Impact of Changes in the Economic Environment...

Evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on a selected business – D1 After various changes to the economic tax and interest rate, CPHP have conducted and compiled research into current public spending. The results show that there has been a dramatic reduction in the level of public spending in the UK. The changes in economic environment will affect a business, the profit of the business will be affected because its affect the price and income of a business, which are the main aspect of a business. If Tesco decides to change the price of their goods, for example; the price of their doughnut in 2009 was 5 pieces for a pound, a reasonable price for students but with the economic environment it affected everything with†¦show more content†¦This will affect Tesco growth because the loans will affect their income, cash flow and business image. Tesco will pay more and profit will drop. Tesco also have social factors that affect them, as the business have charity centre in helping the less privilege people and the more these people gets poor, the more they will have to stretch to help out which also spending money. Recession causes unemployment, this will affect the demand for goods and Tesco profit will drop. An economic factor that might affect Tesco is the demand of the consumer and customer which will decrease with the different problems; people are having in the world. As the demand decrease so the economy of the business will decrease and the profit of the business will decrease too. This refers in the fiscal and monetary, for example since when the government decided to raise the VAT from 17.5% to 20%, the business increase their goods price and due to that reason the customers do not purchase enough goods like they used. Social factors refer in the trend of customer which keeps changing their trend, and what the trend of their purchase. For example nowadays due to people’s work, they are really busy so they often decide to buy already cooked food. Technology refers in how Tesco adopt online shopping to attract customer, to purchase goods and services from the business. Another technology might be the introduction ofShow MoreRelatedSubject: D1 Evaluate the Impact of Changes in the Economic Environment on a Selected Business.794 Words   |  4 PagesName: Cameron Nwanze Subject: D1 Evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on a selected business. I am required to evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on marks and spencer’s in relation to government decisions, policies, spending and economic management Government Decisions In 2012 the government decided to raise the minimum wage and change the vat rules this had a massive effect on marks and spencer’s as a company. 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A growth company tends toRead MoreUnit 38 Business and Economic Environment4792 Words   |  20 PagesUnit 38: Unit code: QCF Level 3: Credit value: Business and the Economic Environment T/502/5500 BTEC National 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to the interaction between the general economic environment and business activity and how the interactions generate national wellbeing. Learners will study how government activities regulate and influence business activities and how business activities influence government action and policyRead More2014 15 Assignment4484 Words   |  18 Pagesnumber and title L3 BTEC National Diploma in Business (Marketing) UNIT 1: The Business Environment Assignment title Working at Business Review In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. 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Indicate whether or not you believe the company is properly managed. Provide support for your position. A management style is a complete process of leadership used by managers within Coca Cola. The success that the management team at Coca-Cola has in inspiring its employees

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

New Product Development for Apple Inc.

Question: Describe about the report summaries for process of new product development for Apple Inc. ? Answer: Introduction New product development or modification of the existing product is a continuous process of product development initiative that helps the organization to mitigate the problems of the current product to satisfy the customers need more accurately. Most of the time new product development initiates on the base of the existing products that are failing short in competition. It has been found that introduction of new product in a regular interval, is a good strategy to involve customer more without the help of any customer involvement campaign (Kang and Phan 2014). The business model of Apple Inc focuses on the new product development for their customer. Apple Inc always introduce new product with some extra features within a regular interval so their customer remain in the curiosity about the next product. This report is a detailed discussion of the new product development in the segment of iPhone by the innovative process design of the organization (Kang 2014). The report also analyzes t he impact of the performance objective with new product design concept that helps the organization to develop the product that will fulfill the gap of need within the customer. Introduction to the product Apple Inc is planning to introduce a new product in their product portfolio that will meet the demand of several customers who want more features within their smart phone. The current product portfolio of the organization includes iMac, Macbook, iPad, iPhone, iPod, smart watch and smart TV. Among them iPad and iPhone is in the same segment. Both the product can be replaced by one another though there are different features in both of them (Stolzenbach et al. 2013). The size of the iPhone is small as compared to the iPad therefore the need of the iPad cannot be met by iPhone. The advantage of the iPad is the large screen that offers better video operation and the advantage of the iPhone is its handy size that customer can carry in their pocket but the disadvantage is that they are not satisfied by playing videos due to its small screen size. Looking at this problem Apple has decided to invent a new product that will be small enough to keep it in the pocket but also provide the facilit y of the large screen display to see video in a better way (Govindan and Popiuc 2014). Another feature of dual rare camera is planned to provide better picture that will be comparable with DSLR. Importance of the process design Every new product comes in the market with a particular process of designing and developing. Therefore, there is a great importance of the process design to make it successful in the market. The unique strategy of the organization makes them remain ahead of their competitors. The company emphasizes to add new features to their new product that will satisfy customers need by solving several problems (Giampaolo et al. 2013). The company has planned to introduce a smart phone that will satisfy the need of several products such as DSLR camera and tab or iPad. The new smart phone will have dual rare camera that will increase the quality of the picture therefore no need to carry a big size camera when they are in a tour. The need of large screen is very essential for the customer with a facility to carry in pocket (Creemer et al. 2012). To satisfy these needs by the organization there is a lot of importance of the process design to make a successful product in the market. Process design ma kes the product more competitive in the market with its look and features different from the competitors. Process design helps to identify the challenges in the new product developmental process therefore; problem can be solved before launch. Objective of the product using process design Apple has designed a smart phone with an expandable display that is helpful to see video in a large screen same as iPad. This type of process design is important to place the product in a particular segment where customer needs large screen a cell phone and a camera to shoot photo. Process design also provides the platform to understand the need of the customer and implement them accordingly (Lindeman et al. 2014). The objective of the product is to replace several other products from the market and add more features than their competitors product. The objective of the product using process design is to get the advantage in looks and features. Process design of the company will compare competitors product in the market to make it much better. Stage of product The product is in the stage of development with the base of two products that is the iPhone and iPad. iPhone have very good features in the competition of smart phone and iPad has larger screen therefore those customers need both the features in a single device will love this product very much (Becker, Kugeler and Rosemann 2013). This model will be a high-end product that will cost more than a smart phone but if customers add the price of a camera, smart phone and iPad then definitely it will be low. The product design is complete and the management team has approved the product to make a successful launch in the market. New product design concept New product design concept in Apple is different from others that have lot of detail proceeding. This particular product is also associated with the unique concept that will increase the productivity. Idea Thought and idea has evolved with the need of large screen display for enjoying the video that will also provide the compatibility of keeping in a pocket (Laguna and Marklund 2013). The sketch is ready and team wants to make a prototype of the product so that management could understand the concept. Start up prototype Since the management approves the idea therefore it is high time to develop the prototype. Product development team has taken the idea from the originator and they make a prototype of the product externally. If the external product is good then it will get the approval from the management (Lewis 2015). The prototype is ready and it looks good and impressive (Appendix1). Initially the three sketches were selected from the 10 sketch and 1 prototype. The chosen prototype is sent for the new product process. Apples new product process Once the outline of the prototype is complete then the development tem start to research about the incorporation of hard ware and software to the prototype model to find out the compatibility of the model. The new product with the larger screen and rare dual camera is ready with the prototype to provide a demonstration. Weekly team review The executive team of the product development analyze the product from different angel. The longevity of the product, looks and efficiency of the product are analyzed to understand the success in the market (Davenport 2013). The competition in the market is also taken into consideration so that the exact market can be evaluated. In case of the product everything is fine and the review team is happy with the development. Peer design meetings Production and development team conduct a meeting with the product to improve the idea of the new design. It is not a regular meeting rather this meeting is conducted with specific ides generation and developmental need. Production management The product is ready for the production and the production management team evaluates the process design to align the product in the production line. Cost of production is one of the important aspects in this stage of development. New product is costly due to its technological advantage and lot of material is incorporated that was not with the previous model (Dawood and Sen 2012). The production of the product starts in the testing scale so that initial problems can be solved. The new product is showing some problem with its dual camera. The double lenses were unable to focus properly. Therefore, developing team made the required changes and makes it perfect for the production. Testing Testing is one of the important aspects of the product development. Once the product is ready then the testing team tangibly tests the product to evaluate the performance of the product. This new product is faster than its previous version and offers a larger display same as iPad when it is expanded (Ashby and Johnson 2013). The camera of the phone is able to take quality photo that also satisfies the need of DSLR camera (Appendix 2). Packaging Design of the packaging is made in such a way so that it maintains the status of its premium class brand. The box of this phone is designed with the same concept of larger screen (Klimchuk and Krasovec 2013). Rules of the road This process help to understand the quality of the overall product according to the market condition. Impact of performance objective (academic model) The impact of performance objective is analyzed with the help of performance objective model that will focus on each segment of production. Quality Produced to specification All the specifications are meeting in the product that was planned to satisfy the customer need. Reliable product The Apple team is very efficient makes the product development and their reliability is proven. Therefore, this product is also reliable. Attractive product The design of the product is made I such a way that keeps small size along with the dual camera and large screen. Therefore, by look and features this product is very attractive particularly to the technology lovers. Speed Time to deliver The product is expected to launch in the month of September in 2016. Time between new product This product will arrive in the market just after one year of their previous launch. One year is the normal interval that Apple maintains to launch any of their new products in the market (Srinivasan et al. 2012). Dependability On time delivery Once the product is available in the market then this product will be delivered to the customer on time. The normal time of delivery is one month. Constant delivery The production line is made in such a way that constant production will be performed to meet the market demand. Flexibility Being able to change The company has designed the product in such a way so that it can be changed any time according to the market condition. Customization Customer will not get any customized product from the hardware perspective but in the application, there will be many options available that customers have to choose. Many options Only two options will be available with this product one is 32 GB and the other is 64 GB internal memory. Cost Staff Fixed cost. Purchased Cost of material varies according to the need of the raw material. Technology Technology of this product is too expensive because lot of features is incorporated in their device. Recommendations The design and the feature of the product is very effective therefore proper testing is very important to understand the possible customer reaction of the product. The launch of the product should maintain the timeline otherwise; customer will lose hope of the new feature development by Apple. The product is packed with technology that may hamper the longevity of the product therefore, it is important to enhance the longevity of the product so that customer does not complain with it. The battery of the product is kept as earlier one. Since this product has more features, therefore battery consumption will be more. To satisfy the customer need it is important to enhance the battery of the product so that they are able to see movies for long time. Conclusion This report summaries the process of new product development for Apple Inc. The design of the new product is based on the larger expandable screen with small size to fit into the pocket. The dual camera of the product is also an added feature of the product. The design of this product is made with proper specification that will meet the consumer demand. Analyzing the performance objective of the product, it can be said that the features and looks is very good, however there should be better battery backup to support the entertainment purpose of the customer. Reference List Ashby, M.F. and Johnson, K., 2013.Materials and design: the art and science of material selection in product design. Butterworth-Heinemann. Becker, J., Kugeler, M. and Rosemann, M. eds., 2013.Process management: a guide for the design of business processes. Springer Science Business Media. Creemer, D.Z., Apple Inc., 2012.System for predicting and managing network performance by managing and monitoring resource utilization and connection of network. U.S. Patent RE43,144. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Dawood, S. and Sen, T.K., 2012. Removal of anionic dye Congo red from aqueous solution by raw pine and acid-treated pine cone powder as adsorbent: equilibrium, thermodynamic, kinetics, mechanism and process design.Water research,46(6), pp.1933-1946. Giampaolo, D., Weiss, E., Knight, B., Cisler, P. and McInerney, P., Apple Inc., 2013.Event notification management. U.S. Patent 8,370,853. Govindan, K. and Popiuc, M.N., 2014. Reverse supply chain coordination by revenue sharing contract: A case for the personal computers industry.European Journal of Operational Research,233(2), pp.326-336. Kang, H.F. and Phan, L.D., Western Digital Technologies, Inc., 2014.System and method for managing execution of internal commands and host commands in a solid-state memory. U.S. Patent 8,782,327. Kang, H.F., Western Digital Technologies, Inc., 2014.System and method for managing the execution of memory commands in a solid-state memory. U.S. Patent 8,725,931. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Michael J Fox Essays - Parkinsons Disease, Michael J. Fox, Spin City

Michael J Fox Attention getter: He was considered one of The 25 Most intriguing people of the Year in 1998 by People weekly magazine. He was also named Celebrity of the Year 2000 by US weekly magazine on its January 2001 issue. With his boyish good looks he had conquer Hollywood and several women hearts. You might be wondering?. Who in the world is she talking about? Well this person is Michael J Fox, a terrific actor and my favorite one. Purpose Statement: Today I would like to inform you about Michael successive life. Thesis: Michael J Fox, like any other person have had up and downs in his life, he had a very successful acting career since he was 18, so for almost 19 years. But life can be tough sometimes, after top hit TV series and movies, he had to quit acting and producing when he was diagnosed of having Parkinson's disease. Transition to body of speech: So to start out we can go deeply into some aspects of his life. Body: Michael J. Fox was born in June 9, 1961, In Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. As a child he enjoyed writing stories, he taught himself rock Biography magazine on their March 2000 issue. He began acting professionally at age 15, on the Canadian Broadcasting Company, in the television series Leo and me. He enjoyed acting so much that he dropped out of high school and moved to Los Angeles. When he arrived there, he discovered the name Michael Fox was already registered, so he took the middle initial J, and registered himself as actor Michael J Fox. In Los Angeles he found work in the TV series Palmers town USA. He also got a role in the Walt Disney feature film, Midnight Madness. All of this was only the beginning though. What came next for Michael was a role on a new NBC sitcom called Family Ties which was a big success that stayed on air from 1982 to 1989, an impressive 7 years run. He played the role of Alex P. Keaton, the neo-conservative son obsessed with money and politics, amongst a white middle class family, headed by two former hippie parents. The show was a hit around the world and Fox would win three Emmy Awards for his role. It was also during Family Ties that he met and married his wife Tracy Pollen, she played his girlfriend on the show. They have been married for eleven years already and are the parents of a son named Sam and identical twin daughters named Aquinnah and Schuyler. This cute as a button couple was nominated as one of The 25 most romantic couples ever by writer Janet Cawley from Biography magazine on their February 1999 issue. Soon after he began appearing on the show, Michael squeezed time into his schedule to make a new movie Back to the future. The film was a great success and proved to the world that Fox was a viable talent actor. In the words of various admiring critics, he demonstrated an incredible comic sensibility and an infallible charm. He also had enormous success playing comic roles like the one in Teen Wolf and The secret of my success; but Michael wanted to broaden his range and took some dramatic roles like in movies Light of Day, Bright Lights, Big City, Casualties of War. Audience applauded Fox's return to Back to the Future, for sequels II and III in 1989 and 1990. His role in The American President in 1995, earned Michael accolades once again, but it was his ceremonious return to prime time television in the ABC sitcom Spin City, which premiered in 1996, that put Fox back where he belonged. Fox plays the lovably deputy mayor of New York City. This show is a combination of political satire and silly humor. Spin City was a critical success, rating between 17 and 20 million viewers per episode. Everything seemed to be on track with Michael's life, his TV series was a success and he also won several awards thank to it, like: The People's choice award in 1997 The golden globe in 1997,1998 and 1999, he won in the category of best actor in a television series. Also in 1999 he won the GQ Man of