Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management and Organizations in a Global Environment

Question: Describe about the Management and Organizations in a Global Environment? Answer: Introduction Organizations face strong challenges in the competitive environment in order to be more efficient and productive at the same time. The organizations can gain competitive advantage by ensuring the workforce to be optimal. However, due to the various reasons including the personality conflicts, lack of conflict management strategies in the organization that may lead to the production of an unproductive report. These factors could be proven costly for the organizations in the long run. Mullins Company has also been going through the similar situations which need to be eradicated as soon as possible in order to meet with the marketing objectives of the company in the future. The project deals in providing details relating to the perceptions of the people leading to unproductive outcome of the marketing objective of the company by implementing the description of the various theories and models as relevant to the case study. Different types of personalities in the meeting using the Myers Briggs theories According to Myers Briggs theory, the personality of an individual can be categorized into a sequence of four cognitive functions which can be intuition, thinking, sensation and feeling (Lloyd 2012). Thus, from the analysis of the personalities of the individuals present in the meeting, it can be found that Davido Banks of the operation department smart, decisive, logical and intuitive as he was the one responsible for starting the conversation. Similarly, Tokundo Jegede had been very flashy with quick responses to every members present in the meeting. Though, Jegede has been passionate in his approach, he was mostly responsible for unproductive outcome of the meeting as he had been arguing with each and every manner being respondent in the meeting. Gloria brown had been also logical and intuitive as Davido, but she had not been dominant by nature. At last, Zainab was character who had been very shy and took an ample amount of time in continuing with the conversation with other team members. Although, Zainab had been shy, introvert and skeptical in the initial phase of the meeting, she had been able to show the professionalism by suggesting the other team members to work as a team in order o be productive in the meeting (The Myers Briggs Foundation 2016). Perceptions of the people leading to unproductive meeting using Attribution theory According to the attribution theory of perception of the individuals, people tend to interpret events and thus, relate them in the way in which they behave or think (Wengrzyn 2016). The attribution theory enables us to understand the reasons for our behavior in specific situations. It also enables us to figure out the reasons why other people behave the way they do. Toluwa: According to the case study, Toluwa had been expecting an appropriate report after the end of the meeting from the representatives of each of the departments of the company. Thus, after getting no positive outcome at the end of the meeting, he became very upset and called the representatives as a bunch of losers. Ralph: Upon asked by the President about the reasons behind the failure of the meeting, Ralph was the first to respond in defense of his choice of sending Davido banks in the meeting. As according to him, Davido has been the most proficient employee in the operations department of the company. Suzanne: In response to the question being asked by the President about the failure of the meeting, Suzanne got fired up and responded in defense in her employee, Zainab to be the best employee in the marketing department of the company and they she had not been responsible for the unproductively of the meeting. Emeka: Similarly, Emeka also responded to the defense of her employee, Tokundo by telling him to be the best employee of the marketing department and that she would be standing by his side as he could not be responsible for the unproductively in the meeting. Temitope: According to Temitope, Gloria could never be responsible for the failure of the meeting as she had been the top flight engineer in the respective department. Temitope also agreed to be on the side of his employee as he believed her to be so proficient that she could not be blamed for the unproductive business outcome. Thus, from the above discussions, it can be found that the indifferences in the unserstanding and the perceptions of the people in respective of each other could hamper with the proper conduction of the communication process which could ultimately lead to unproductive outcomes in the process. Four ways to manage the individual differences The management system puts an emphasis on the importance of the team pe4rpdfformce in order to meet with the business objectives of a particular organization. However, it should be noted that it is due to the individual differences of the employees that could hamper with the proper achievement of the business objectives if the differences are not managed properly (Indermun 2013). Thus, it becomes the responsibility of the managers to manage and control the differences through the training, communication, job allocation and motivation. The ways in which the mangers of the companies could prevent the individual differences can be illustrated as follows: Training employees about the importance of team work Team work is an essential feature of any organization. The organizations, in order to function properly, need a co-operation and collaboration among its workers (Indermun 2013). Thus, the managers are required to make the employees interact with each other. This strategy would help the manger to reduce down the communication gap in business environment and would also help in producing an effective solution to eradicate the individual indifferences among the employees. According to Tung and Schoch (2014), the performance of the teamwork is directly related to the effectiveness of an organization by enhancing the performance of the business processes related to the particular organization. The teamwork is achieved when the team members share ideas with the other employees and correct the mistakes of each other as well. Motivation Motivation can be referred to as the perception and direction of an individual towards a particular action (Indermun 2013). This motivation among the employees can act wonders in enhancing their performances. The motivation level in an employee guides him/her to perform at the optimal level. This motivation level of the employees is directly related with the business performance of the organizations (Robbins and Boyle 2013). Thus, the managers are required to infuse motivation in the employees by implementing appropriate appraisal and reward system for the employees in order to keep them motivated and perform at their optimal level in the future. According to the theory as proposed by McClelland, the mangers should be implementing the following strategies in order to motivate the employees: Influence the employees to accomplish the business objectives Implicate the employees to participate in the social activities and relationships Encourage the employees to achieve the targets (Bradley 2014) Job satisfaction Job satisfaction should not be confused with the motivation of the employees. The job satisfaction is rather an internal state of san individual that reflects more on his/ her attitude (Indermun 2013). It should be noted that the job satisfaction of the employees is affected by the culture, environment and structure of a particular organization which is reflected through the motivational level and performance of the individuals. According to Jensen and Jacobsen (2015), the dissatisfaction in the employees can lead to the deterioration in their performances which could have a deep impact on the performance of the organization. Thus, job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is measured by the performance of the organization in the long run. According to Zablah et al (2016), the managers can expect the following measures from a satisfied employee: Improved team work Enhance business productivity Increased performance on an individual as well as organizational basis Leadership The leadership can be regarded as the most salient feature in the context of an organization. According to Daft (2014), leadership is the process which enables an individuals to exert influence on the others and directs, motivates and inspires them to achieve a common target or goals of a particular organization. It was due to the lack of the leadership skills in the absence of any senior representatives such that the meeting had not been productive at the end. Thus, the managers are required to develop the leadership skills in the employees such that to enable them to provide directions, motivation and inspiration to the fellow members in order to meet the business objectives of the organization (Indermun 2013). Contribution of the departments of the organization to achieve the marketing objective Operations Department: The operations department of an organization, associated with the marketing of its products or services, helps in the planning and maintenance of the respective projects (Shiri 2014). Likewise, in respective of Mullins Company, the importation department would be helping in the planning and monitoring of the marketing strategy for promoting the mop in the market. Marketing Department: The marketing department is the main sector that helps in the promotion of the new products in the market (Hattula and Reinecke 2015). In respective of the mop manufacturing company, the marketing department is the main area which is responsible for the advertisement and promotion of the mop in the market. Design Department: The design department helps in the designing of the promotional items which are required to be circulated in the market (Gero and Maher 2013). Now, for the Mullins Company, the department is responsible for creating realistic drawings, flyers, advertisements and other promotional documents for the purpose of marketing of the same in the market. Engineering Department: The engineering department of an organization helps in the development of the technical aspects of the products or services. In case of Mullins Company, the engineering department is responsible for the innovation and development of a magic mop that is resistant to the stain, bacteria and odors as well. Two challenges faced by the organization in achieving the marketing objectives Personality differences: The main factor responsible for the unproductively of the meeting was the clash of the personalities among the team members present in the meeting. This personality development occurs due to the indifferences in the thinking, views, opinions, and perceptions in the team members which could raise the conflict among the employees (Cooper 2015). This clash of the personalities occurs whenever there is a possibility of the meeting of two or more individuals having opposing views about a particular topic or both of them are having similar dominating qualities. Thus, in case of the meeting, two of the employees (Davido and Tokunbo of the operations and the marketing department respectively) were seemed to be having dominant features owing to their individual personalities. Moreover, the personalities of the other members were opposite to that of the two dominating employees. Thus, this personality different has made the meeting to remind unproductive in the end. Organizational Structure: The corporate structure of the organization helps ion playing a significant role in the implementation of its business objectives (Rowlinson and Decker 2014). In case of the meeting, the President was right to select the best out of each of the departments in the organization for the purpose of planning for the marketing of the mop. However, one big mistake that the President did was that he did not appoint any representative who could have taken the initiative to be the leading the other members in order to achieve the required objective of the company (Tedeschi 2013). Moreover, due to the lack of the leadership qualities and the prevalence of the personality clashes among the team members, it became very difficult for the company to acquire useful information from the meeting. They are also required to be trained about a particular business process or a circumstance in order to provide them with the first hand experience about the situation such that they could deal with any situation in an effective and productive manner. Morover, it should be noted that the more the satisfaction level of the employees withion the business structure would be, the more effective would be the performance level of the individuals and the more productive the respective organization would be. Conclusion The project helps in providing details relating to the perceptions of the people leading to unproductive outcome of a particular business objective of the company by implementing the description of the various theories and models as relevant to the case study. It includes the illustration of the different types of personalities in an organizations and the people management of the same in order to exploit on the usefulness of the resources for producing a productive outcome related to the business objectives. The project also incorporates the descriptions of the various challenges faced by the organization in achieving the marketing objectives in the future. Bibliography Bradley, J.M., 2014. Systems theory based framework for competency models. OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY. Cooper, C., 2015. Individual differences and personality. Routledge. Daft, R., 2014. The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Gero, J.S. and Maher, M.L. eds., 2013. 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